saving boiler fuel oil slurry fuel emissions reduction technology equipment

Smoke from the pipe
before and after the installation
TRGA activator

smoke reduction in boilers and furnaces saving boiler fuel oil Coke from coal tar

TRGA - fuel economy, reliability, safety in real industrial conditions, repeatability of results, tests and evidence.

We attach great importance to the objective tests using certified laboratories in Europe, with the use of special equipment, as well as by doing comparative tests on their own stands and instruments.

Special importance - to maintain regular contact with the users of our products, the exchange of experiences and recommendations.

More than 70% of the reviews we received from our customers after 4 - 6 months after the operation of the equipment series TRGA.

TRGA - devices that have proven their reliability, durability, ease of installation and operation, high quality work on different kinds of fuels, and in long-term real industrial operation at more than 97 objects.

This site is illustrative only, all of the reports and reviews of all the photos and diagrams, all schemes, and videos that have been obtained from the tests, industrial operation, some short and long-term tests are available on the in Russian

Any additional links or other information on the results of any tests you can get after Your request.

Before the start of sales, the main effects of TRGA devices were tested twice in Europe, both for industrial safety, during the 6-12 months of industrial operation, as well as specialized European institutes and laboratories. Only after these tests, the device series TRGA were offered to customers in Russia and Ukraine.

We have set up stands and instruments of our design, which are cheaper than the existing, perfectly show the comparative effects of the obvious visible results, and have a higher precision than in the scientific institutes.

Finally, our pride - the EU and the Russian certificates for the right to use on industrial, and especially dangerous industrial objects.
reduction of harmful emissions savings of heavy fuel oil burning watered fuel oil
saving heating oil equipment technology TRGA
savings of diesel fuel in test equipment TRGA review
shipboard fuel economy savings smoke reduction in fuel consumption by marine diesel engines
tests at industrial objects with certified laboratories and institutes
testing in industrial by automation and control systems
tests on special stands in certified organizations
pilot projects carried out with the participation of certified laboratories
lowering the temperature limit diesel fuel filtration equipment manufacture winter diesel fuel from a summer review equipment
recycling oil sludge from production of fuel oil from sludge
TRGA ТРГА гомогенизатор диспергатор кавитатор отзыв сертификат
diesel fuel economy test
laboratory tests in certified laboratories and research institutions reports
feedback from customers after a long industrial operation
awards at exhibitions and quality certificates
tests on their own stands and devices

Some examples TRGA tests and tests of fuel in industrial boilers, furnaces, stand, oil refineries, locomotive and marine diesel engines, laboratories and of course under long industrial use.

it - only a small part of photos and documents that are available to us. it is only middlecover installed equipment whose owners have sent us photos, reports, reviews and test results

oil sludge production recycle oil burning watered oil sludge
Russia, Plesetsk, 2013. Treatment sludge from open storage. Changes in the quality of sludge after treatment homogenizer TRGA. Burning before and after, movies.
increase caloric fuel oil improvement of properties fuel oil
Russia, Habarovsk, 2013. Laboratory of Railways of the Russian Federation, the official conclusion about changing the quality of fuel oil after processing in a homogenizer TRGA.
improvement of the quality the ship's fuel
Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2013. Laboratory PETROL Slovenia, the official conclusion about changing the quality of residual fuel RME-180 after processing by a homogenizer TRGA. Analyses made by 7-15 days after treatment.
IFO-180, IFO-180 fuel oil improvement of the quality of ship fuel
Croatia, Zagreb, 2013. Laboratory of INA, the official conclusion about changing the quality of residual fuel after processing in a homogenizer TRGA.

Comparative electronic pictures with magnification of 500 - 10 000 times and the findings of the lower solids and the nature and quantity of the remaining particles.
reducing the viscosity of the ship's fuel
Croatia, 2013, Rijeka. Shipboard fuel, improving the of properties results - viscosity reduction - 15% reduction in carbon residue - 40%, the official results. Analyses made by 1-2 days after preparation of the samples concern INA Croatia.
shipboard fuel economy savings smoke reducing of specific fuel consumption by marine diesel engines
Belgium, Ostend 2012, testing of the system preparation ship ( marine ) fuel. The second test of the reliability and effect. Fuel type - shipboard fuel IFO180. Full description.

The result - the ship's fuel savings of 4%, lower emissions, lower the viscosity of the treated fuel, termination of emission fuel in sludge reservoir when fuel passing through the separator. Report.
ship fuel savings ship homogenizer dispersant ship fuel
Belgium, Ostend, 2011, testing of the system of preparation of ship ( marine ) fuel. The first tests for reliability and effect. Fuel type - shipboard fuel IFO180.

The result - reducing harmful emissions, reducing the viscosity of the treated fuel, trouble-free reliable work for 10 months.

The system for the disposal of contaminated fuel ship water
Turkey, in 2011. Cement plant. Disposal of bilge water (flushing water from ships) .....

Photo 1
water-oil fuel oil water emulsion stability watered black oil quality photography equipment stability stability
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2011, a study of water-oil-water emulsions - black oil + water ( up to 20% of water), emulsion stability 3 years. Emulsion samples were stored in the office and in the garage.

Fuel type - Heavy black oil mazout M-100. Photo.
saving fuel oil fuel oil coke slurry fuel clean heat exchangers increase efficiency boiler
Guinea Alumina Plant, 2 months of testsworks from January 2011. Fuel type - analog M100 fuel oil, heavy fuel oil slurry. Result - 4% fuel savings, reduction of carbon deposits on the heat exchangers, reduction of atomizers clogging.

Then another device at the same company in 2011.
Photo1. Photo_2. Photo_3.
Silicone emulsion of silicone oil water creating silicone emulsion
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2011. Research how to receive the silicone emulsion with the addition and dispersion of high viscosity additive. According this results installation was built in St. Petersburg.

The type of liquid - water + silicone emulsion with high viscosity additive. Photo.
improved low-temperature properties of diesel fuel with his own hands
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2011. Investigation of the influence of the new homogenizer TRGA on the quality of mixing of additives to the fuel. Comparative tests. Analysis of the results. A substantial change in the minimum temperature filterability and freezing point by using a homogenizer TRGA.

Photo. Film - start of the diesel engine at "-18" with the summer diesel fuel.
mineral slurry dispersion homogenization
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2011. Investigation degree of impact on the homogenizer TRGA viscous fuel oil for example, a suspension of oil and mineral additives. Liquid grinding, crushing and dissolving the solid and granular additives in the oil with a homogenizer TRGA, creation of of composite mixtures.

fuel economy on an internal combustion engine test test review
Estonia, Tallinn, 2011.Tehnichesky University, bench tests on a special italian stand (5. KW, 4-cylinder, hydraulic brake, measuring equipment), to investigate the specific consumption of diesel fuel. Result - power increase 10%-12% savings.

Fantastic of course, but certified laboratory and the results are similar to the tests in Ukraine in Krivoy Rog.

Testing and reasoning ..
burning of coal tar pitch economy Type of fuel - coal tar pitch.
Kazakhstan, 2010-11. Type of fuel - coal tar density of 1.07, increased viscosity, ash and tar. 12-24 months of operation. 4 units.

Brief results - steady burning fuel, reducing carbon deposits on the heat exchangers, reduction of atomizers clogging fuel economy, lower temperature heating fuel, the complete elimination of smoke from the chimney.
Photos and reviews -

Type of fuel - coal tar pitch.
manufacture winter diesel fuel from a summer without prior fuel heat
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, 2010, Installs our first industrial unit for manufacturing of winter diesel fuel from a summer in the flow and without pre-heating fuel. Review posted 8 months after the start of works. Then there were many such devices. But it was the first and escalate into a separate direction.

Type of fuel - diesel fuel. Review. Installation in Belgorod Russia.
the creation of hydrocarbon fuel economy improvement of properties
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2010, the study the level of exposure by homogenizer TRGA on a fuel with example of processing of coal-water emulsion.

Type of fuel - coal-water emulsion. Photo.
saving fuel black oil slurry fuel coal tar fuel device equipment report

saving fuel black oil slurry fuel coal tar fuel device equipment report TRGA homogenizer
Guinea Alumina Plant, 2 months tests, is working from September 2010. Fuel type - heavy fuel oil, heavy slurry fuel. Result - 4% fuel savings, reduction of carbon deposits on the heat exchangers. Full test . Report.

This is the most thorough tests that have ever held with homogenizer TRGA in a real industrial operation for a long time and repeatedly.

Then another one device at the same company in 2011.Test. Photo.

Then another one on an aluminum plant in Siberia 2010 .
increase the yield of light oil products from crude oil prior preparation
Turkey. Denizli, 2010, possibilities of increasing the yield of light fractions from crude oil, which was pre-treated by homogenizer TRGA. The resulting increase in light fractions was 2.65%, diesel 5.6% , it was the first tests ... they are open.

Then there were tested in Mariupol (+3.5% - but they said "a little"), Kremenchug (oil refineries, +2.8% - but they said "fi" ...), Moscow (3.5-6.7% but did not negotiated a price of the project).

After that, this direction was temporarily frozen, and the results are not published.

Fuel Type - Crude oil and oil mixture. Comparative Tables
мазут снижение вязкости
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2010. For their own needs was assembled simple homemade comparative viscometer for $ 30. This design became popular and we were able to assess the changes in viscosity before and after treatment of fuel oil on the module TRGA, has been very interesting ...

Fuel Type - heating fuel, fuel black oil. Photo.
production of composite multi-component fuel oil water oil emulsions of water fuel emulsions
Ukraine, Kremenchug, 2010. Installing the homogenizer at manufactruing of multicomponent fuel mixtures, water fuel oil and so on and so forth ...

Feature - an open area, round the clock, heavy black oil with a high content of solids, lowest filtration at the input. The guarantee was 4 months. Client allowed to make these photos after 16 months of exploitation (20/12/10) on May 2013 homogenizer TRGA still works ...

Type of fuel - black oil, light oil sludge, waste, multi-blended fuels oiled water ... Photo.
dewaxing of diesel fuel
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2010. Trying partial dewaxing diese fuell. The scheme works but for industrial use yet not necessary. Later, we'll go the other way.

Type of fuel - diesel engine fuel. Photo.
saving fuel oil boiler houses
Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, 2010. JSC "Zaporozhye iron ore plant." Works to this day. The results - the successful burning of high-viscosity oil. Increase stress and decrease fuel freezing point in winter, reduction of atomizers clogging.

Fuel type - watered black oil M 100. Report.
uccessful combustion recycle watered fuel mixture with a water content of 20%. Watered oil sludge in the port. Bilge water
Ukraine, Mariupol, 2009. Mariupol trading port. Works till today, report. Results - successful combustion recycle watered fuel mixture with a water content of 20%. Watered oil sludge in the port. Bilge water.

Fuel Type - a mixture of fuel oil and bilge water - fire incineration recycling. Paper presented at the international conference.
TRGA TRGA homogenizer report diploma certificate
Ukraine, Kiev, 2009. The Fourth All-Ukrainian exhibition of energy saving technologies.

In the category "Best Implemented Project on energy saving in Ukraine" - the TRGA device to save fuel oil won first place.

complete combustion of the black oil economy of incineration fuel oil watered black oil
Ukraine, Kiev, 2009. The object of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Makarov-1. Working. (May 2013). Results - Successful watered fuel oil incineration. Increase flow, reduction of atomizers clogging. Fuel does not freeze in winter. Economy fuel. Report. In 2011 tested - boiler (30 years of operation) works almost like new.

Fuel type - watered heavy fuel oil and fuel oil mixture, multi-blended fuels.
saving diesel fuel increase calorie burning diesel fuel
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2009, after two years of sorting different options picked "stand" for studying the completeness of combustion of diesel fuel after hydrodynamic treatment. Stand comparison, cheap and indicative, cost $ 30.

The stand allows you to compare the completeness and the temperature of the combustion of diesel fuel, estimate the time after which the treated diesel fuel recombined partially or completely. Everyone was smiling. No one is denied.

Type of fuel - diesel fuel. Photo 1, 3, 4.
bench for diesel economy with their own hands the result of the effect of fuel economy
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2009, after 2 attempts assembled the stand to study diesel economy on the diesel engine after the hydrodynamic treatment. Precision our stand - is 2 times higher than the accuracy of the diesel test stand on plant. Malyshev, Kharkov, cost $ 1,500.

Type of fuel - diesel fuel.Photo
снижение вредных выбросов на котлах
Serbia, Sremska Mitrovica, 2009, the municipal enterprise "Pannonian power chains," tests by "Nikola Tesla Laboratory" on environmental parameters.

Fuel type - black oil M 100. Photo. Report on the Environment.
intensifying of action of the additive in the fuel
Belarus, 2010, tests to determine power, fuel-economic indicators and the opacity of exhaust gases of the diesel engine when working on diesel fuel with additive BPI. Mixing of fuel with a biocatalyst carried by a homogenizer TRGA. The result - saving in fuel consumption 2.5%. Potentiation of the additive in the fuel

Type of fuel - diesel engine fuel. Report.
saving diesel tests bench savings diesel fuel 10% fantastic or reality?
Ukraine, Kharkov, 2009. Plant. Malyshev (production of tanks and armored personnel carriers). Rheostat winter tests to cut down on diesel engines (Booth, 2 cylinder wear 0%), is it possible to reduce the specific consumption of diesel fuel and smoke reduction. Duration 6 hours. Photos - banned. The report is available only to professionals.

Calculated result - reduction of specific consumption by 1%. Official Report, 62 pages. For all history of this enterprise it was the only one report which says that the engineers of this plant. "can not explain the increase in the level of CO2 (+19%) and NOx (+20%) with the same amount of diesel fuel burnt in the engine." My remarks on the results here. The program of cooperation with the iron ore quarry was abandoned.

The official conclusion of the customer (the quarry for mining of iron ore) of own previous rheostat tests sheet 1 and sheet 2 - was neither withdrawn nor disproved.

Type of fuel - diesel engine fuel. Saving diesel fuel 10% fantastic or reality ?
Ship ship ship's fuel homogenizer result of improving the properties of the ship's fuel economy
Turkey Denizli, 2009, research of homogenization of ship fuel IFO-180 without water and water fuel oil emulsion water - black oil IFO-180.

Fuel type - shipboard fuel IFO-180. Photo.
water-oil emulsion fuel oil water watered black oil quality photography equipment stability
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2009, research of water-oil emulsion black oil and water.

Fuel type - Heavy black oil mazout M-100, multi-blended fuels. Photo.
homogenization of the dispergation black oil dispersing homogenizer photo
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2009, research of homogenization of black oil mazout M-100.

Fuel type - Heavy black oil mazout M-100. Photo.
homogenization of the dispergation coal tar fuel dispersing homogenizer photo Type of fuel - coal tar pitch.
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2009, a research of homogenization coal tar pitch.

Type of fuel - coal tar pitch. Photo 2, 3. Report.
Research of properties multi-component fuel mixtures Fuel type - multi-blended fuels.
Russian Federation, Samara, 2009, Research of properties of multi-fuel mixtures that are obtained by using a homogenizer TRGA.

Fuel type - multi-blended fuels. Отчет.
coke and fuel economy improvement watered Coke fuel burning Combustion best
Ukraine, Cherkassy plant of building materials, 2009. Works to this day. The result - the successful burning coke fuel increase steam output of the boiler, reducing drying time of bricks by 40%. Film-1. Film-2.

Type of fuel - fuel coke with water.
coke and fuel economy improvement watered Coke fuel burning Combustion best
Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, OAO "Dneproshina," 2009, set 2 activators and 1 homogenizer TRGA for preparation of fuel, the report is received after 6 work months. Exploitation of 24 months. The result - the successful burning coke fuel.

Type of fuel - fuel coke. Report
burning black oil watered mazout burning
Belarus, Brest, in 2009, the municipal enterprise "Brest boiler" , the successful burning 750 tons old black oil with water content of 54%. Report. Working 2 year. The result - a successful burning watered mazout.

Fuel type - watered mazout. Report.
savings of diesel fuel in the locomotive tests
Ukraine, Krivoy Rog, "Northern Mining," 2008. Rheostat winter tests on the locomotive (wear 60%), is it possible to reduce the specific consumption of diesel fuel and smoke reduction. Duration 3.5 hours.

Preliminary results - reducing specific consumption for 5.54%, a decrease of smoke. Report. Photo.

The final result - the reduction of specific consumption by 14%. Report. Letter to increase the power of the diesel generator at 7.7% Type of fuel - diesel engine fuel.
rheostat tests system cost of diesel fuel in the locomotive
Ukraine, Krivoy Rog, "Northern Mining," 2008. Rheostat flight tests on the locomotive (wear 60%), is it possible to reduce the specific consumption of diesel fuel and smoke reduction. Duration 8 hours. The result - an increase in efficiency Engine 2% reduction in specific consumption at 10.58%, a two-fold reduction in smoke.

Type of fuel - diesel engine fuel. Report. Photo.
water-oil emulsion fuel mixture burning preparation fuel oil water emulsions
Serbia, Sremska Mitrovica, 2008, the municipal enterprise "Pannonian power chains," 12 months of exploitation, 2 industrial tests them. Nikola Tesla's laboratary report. 6 months of operation. Results Summary - 2.6% fuel savings, reduced NOx, SO2, CO.

Fuel type - Heavy black oil mazout M-100. Report fuel economy. Report ecology .
water-oil emulsion fuel oil water watered black oil quality photography equipment stability
Ukraine, Cherkassy, 2008, the creation of the first examples of water-fuel emulsions. May, 2013 - all samples hydrogen fuel oil emulsion having, water content is 5, 10, 15, 20%, all samples are kept stable and no separation.

Fuel type - Heavy black oil mazout M-100. First photo 2008. Photo 2011 .
saving boiler fuel tests result report
Croatia, Rijeka, 2008, the municipal enterprise "Energy", 11 months of exploitation, 2 months of tests. Results Summary - 3.7% fuel savings, reduced CO - 40%. Test. Tests conducted Polytechnic Institute Rijeka, Croatia.

Fuel Type - stove fuel. Light mazout. Report.

objective results
Direct fuel economywhen installing TRGA-2-15G = 4%

экономия котельного топлива официальное испытание результат

All photos were taken on objects when installed activators and fuel homogenizers series TRGA-3G.

Authors of photos. Sergei Shlyaga, Yusuf Basha, Constantine Animitsa, Andrey Ruban.

other photo

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All rights reserved
Andrew Ruban - Технологии и оборудование для обработки и экономии топлива (бензин, дизельное топливо, мазут, коксохим ). Кавитация, диспергация, эмульгирование, топливные и другие эмульсии. Экология
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