economy of liquid boiler fuel black oil, mazout boiler fuel, heating oil, coke fuel coal tar in industrial boilers and furnaces

burning of black oil mazout
burning water-oil emulsion

fuel economy saving oil coke coal tar pitch furnace fuel economy improvement combustion burning improve fuel oil combustion burning flooded fuel dispersion homogenization homogenizer dispersing emulsification emulsifier activation activator energy efficiency energy efficiency energy saving technology equipment

devices and technologies

- economy of liquid boiler fuel (fuel oil, boiler fuel, heating oil, coke fuel coal tar fuel ) in industrial boilers and furnaces.

- for full combustion of heavy, watered black oil, highly viscous of black oil mazout , slurry and boiler fuel, and increase efficiency of boilers and furnaces

- for reduce the carbon deposits on the surfaces of heat exchangers, reducing clogging in nozzles and fuel burning intensification.

Activator of black oil burning TRGA - best energy saving technology and equipment.

Activator of black oil burning TRGA - long-term reliable operation, improving the properties of the boiler and ship fuel.

Some examples of installing activator boiler fuel TRGA
in industrial boilers and furnaces

it is - only a small part of photos and documents that are available to us. it is only part of the installed equipment, which owners have sent us photos, reports, reviews and test results.

Activator boiler fuel TRGA
- installed in the fuel supply line to the atomizer.

Clear results

changes in the structure after the fuel processing heavy fuel by TRGA device - reducing viscosity, reducing the amount and size of the particulate solids and destruction clots resin emulsification residual water.

changes in fuel structure

changes in the structure after the fuel processing heavy fuel by TRGA device - reducing viscosity, reducing the amount and size of the particulate solids and destruction clots resin emulsification residual wate

change in the nature of the flame - increasing the angle of the torch,
the flame length reduction - to is increase efficiency of the boiler

economy of liquid boiler fuel black oil, mazout boiler fuel, heating oil, coke fuel coal tar in industrial boilers and furnaces

change in the amount of carbon on the heat exchangers after 2 months of work
without the use of an activator burning TRGA and with installed activator TRGA

changes in the structure after the fuel processing heavy fuel by TRGA device - reducing viscosity, reducing the amount and size of the particulate solids and destruction clots resin emulsification residual water
changes in the structure after the fuel processing heavy fuel by TRGA device - reducing viscosity, reducing the amount and size of the particulate solids and destruction clots resin emulsification residual water

change in the amount of carbon after 2 months of work
without using TRGA activator of burning and with installed activator TRGA

economy of liquid boiler fuel black oil, mazout boiler fuel, heating oil, coke fuel coal tar in industrial boilers and furnaces
fuel saving device technology improving fuel burning heavy fuel oil watered shipboard  fuel

change in the amount of carbon after 2 months of work
without using TRGA activator of burning and with installed activator TRGA

air heater

energy efficiency fuel economy energy efficiency energy saving technology equipment fuel
energy efficiency fuel economy energy efficiency energy saving technology equipment fuel

ignition of cold boiler
without using TRGA activator of burning and with installed activator TRGA

economy of liquid boiler fuel black oil, mazout boiler fuel, heating oil, coke fuel coal tar in industrial boilers and furnaces
Activator of black oil burning TRGA best energy saving technology and equipment long-term reliable operation, improving the properties of the boiler and ship fuel

black oil fuel, slurri fuel burning
without using TRGA activator of burning

black oil fuel boiler fuel  furnace oil slurri fuel burning in hot-water furnace
black oil fuel, slurri fuel burning
with installed activator TRGA

black oil fuel boiler fuel  furnace oil slurri fuel burning in hot-water furnace

Smoke from the two boilers that burn fuel oil with single tank
without using TRGA activator of burning and with installed activator TRGA

Smoke from the two boilers that burn fuel oil with single tank

All pictures taken on objects are installed activators of fuel series TRGA-3G.
Authors of photos. Sergei Shlyaga. Andrey Ruban.

See the full results of industrial tests on fuel economy on the boilers

Additional information
full version on the

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Google - Технологии и оборудование для обработки и экономии топлива (бензин, дизельное топливо, мазут, коксохим ). Кавитация, диспергация, эмульгирование, топливные и другие эмульсии. Экология
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