manufacture winter diesel from the summer diesel fuel without heating devices and technology

Summer diesel fuel (ice left) in the winter
and winter-grade fuel ( liquid right )
produced from this fuel, comparison.

technology for the removal of wax
from a diesel fuel.

technology for the removal of sulfur
from the ship's fuel.

TRGA modules
manufacture of winter diesel fuel
from the summer without heating
devices and technology

- 4 years of research and industrial optimization. The result - a device for industrial production of winter diesel fuel from a summer without heating.

- working at temperatures up to "- 50" degree Celsius (2 years of operation in Kazakhstan).

- temperature of diesel fuel inlet to "-9" degrees Celsius.

- fixed problem dosing in a changing ambient temperature

- minimum energy consumptionof 0.4-0.8 kW per ton of diesel fuel

- high reliability and absolute maintainability by own service personnel.

- stationary and mobile models

- sertification of RTN (Russian technical supervision)

- integrated mono-additive (DEPROLUX - diesel fuel conditioner) own produced (Moscow), which is individually selected for fuel, eliminates tarring and sedimentation winter diesel fuel and surpasses BASF Keroflux and Clariant Dodiflow additives.

- possibility of reducing the lower temperature filtration of diesel fuel, marine diesel fuel of low viscosity ship's fuel, IFO-180, natural oil.

We have dozens of photos, films, tests, which were conducted in the laboratories of Moscow, Vladivostok, Astana. Here we show the some results , our history and comparison with some analogues.


1. Winter diesel fuel produced by injecting depressants at the refinery in original diesel fuel with a low wax content. For the additives injecting is necessary that the temperature of the diesel fuel was in the interval + 42 +62 degrees Celsius, which is written in the manual to additives BASF and Clariant, and that easily done in a refinery.

2. This process is not feasible in a tank farm where hundreds of tons of residual summer diesel fuel can be heat neither technically or organizationally. This process is not possible in a single gas station - no one will give you the opportunity to heat the rest of summer diesel fuel from the point of view of safety of the object.

3. These difficulties are eliminated traditionaly - increasing quantity of additives (expensive and not effective), adding kerosene and other diluents (expensive and dangerous), but more often just sell summer as winter diesel fuel, and here's the result.

We have the technology to remove the wax from the diesel fuel but there are more cost-effective way - to make summer diesel fuel suitable for use in winter, lower the freezing point and the main the limit temperature of filterability. (minimum flow point through the fuel filter)

manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel in the flow without heating equipment technology results diesel fuel conditioner

manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel in the flow without heating equipment technology results

Special value of this technology includes three components :

1. combination of best homogenizer and system for injecting and treatment fuel's additive

2 tested by best Russian laboratories mono additive DEPROLUX that surpasses additives BASF and Clariant. there is no need to install several flowmeters and a complex system of mixing different ingredients or additives.

3 proven reliability in the harshest winter conditions in Kazakhstan. Many people have tried to copy us, but no one achieved such a result as the minimum energy consumption and the lack of fuel stratification after holding it for 2 months at a temperature of "-30" degrees C.

Left - the results of TCM treatment - low viscosity marine fuel ( TCM - light Russian fuel for diesel ship engines).

Shows the initial and final results. More info here.

Fuel Processing was performed in the mobile apparatus with a capacity of 6 cubic meters per hour of fuel

Other data for TCM and automotive diesel fuel here

Flow rate additives - 0.5-1.5 liters per 1 ton of fuel.

Initial fuel data : freezing "-10 "
filterability temperature limit "- 4 "

Final fuel data : freezing "- 35 "
filterability temperature limit "- 20"

Fuel Treatment occurred at "+7" and "-8" degrees C ".

manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel in the flow without heating equipment technology results
manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel
manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel
comparable single-purpose devices in size and power consumption.

Top left
- manufacture of Ukraine, productivity = 12-18 cubic meters per hour. (of which 12 cubic meters. fuel itself), 18.5 kW, weight 350 kg, the operating pressure of 10 bar.

Top right - Russian manufacture, productivity = 20 cubic meters per hour, 100 kW, weight - vote for yourself ... Require an additional pump for pumping fuel.

Left middle - the module TRGA capacity 15 cubic meters per hour, 7.5 kW, 170 kg., the operating pressure of 8 bar

And it's not the latest new TRGA model. Technical superiority is obvious.

Left lower. Homogenizer manufacture Germany 10-15 m. per hour.
These monsters are sold in Ukraine, representatives of the German firm.

design - a seemingly a copy of the homogenizer Potapov from 2000, Moldova They trying to sell one in Ukraine in 2012.
Homogenizer manufacture Germany

deprolux diesel fuel conditioner fuel additive manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel

But back to our results
The upper photo shows the results of tests carried out in the winter of 2011.

1. Four samples left: In original summer diesel fuel were injected some additives ( initial fuel temperature 50 degrees C ) :

= Bottles 1 and 4 - BASF Keroflux 6100 (depressant) + Keroflux 3614 (dispersant) in proportion 2:1
= Bottles 2 and 3 - Clariant Dodiflow 4273 (depressant) + Dodiflow 4500 (dispersant) in proportion 2:1

The samples were placed in a freezer at minus 23 degrees Celsius. After 7 days, the samples were removed from the freezer, their appearance is shown in the photo.

The result - clear signs of sedimentation (stratification) to form two layers - the upper (transparent) and lower (muddy), paraffin-rich crystals When using such a fuel engine start or not possible at all or is rather difficult (if fuel intake bottom).

In the case of intake fuel on top of , the engine will be highly unstable due to a strong reduction of the cetane number Thus, the rate of sedimentation stability of the final product (as determined experimentally) is one of the main criteria when choosing depressants from different manufacturers.

2. bottles 6 and 5 - Deprolux (depressor, diesel fuel conditioner)

The fuel temperature at the time of introduction depressants - minus 2 degrees C !

Despite the critical low temperature of the fuel at the time of the introduction of additives, the samples have similar low-temperature performance, while not giving signs of sedimentation (phase separation)

And it's not the latest model of the additive DEPROLUX. Chemical superiority is obvious.

manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel
manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel
diesel fuel conditioner manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel
Hundreds of tests have been carried out
Comparisons were conducted on different sorts summer diesel fuel.
The technology has been tested and optimized in our own plant

again and again comparing the results of hot mix additives and diesel fuel and additives and cold fuel using module TRGA.

Photo on the left - manufacture winter diesel from a summer in the stream. Productivity of the module 15 m. per hour.

The system mixing in, additive, accessories - everything has improved, optimized, to eliminate problems and deficiencies

The results have always been better or not worse, but without heating.
manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel
manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel

The treated diesel fuel has become more transparent, increase the lubricity of the fuel
(increase the resource engine fuel equipment) increased combustion efficiency
(increase engine life, fuel economy)

diesel fuel transparent, increase the lubricity diesel fuel increase the resource engine fuel equipment increased combustion efficiency increase engine life, fuel economy
This technology has allowed to eliminate tarring diesel fuel and diesel fuel stratification that may be often when using conflict additives or substandard additives, because DEPROLUX manufacturer can select the exact composition of specific additives for species of diesel fuel.

Additive and module certified in Russia and are approved for use in high risk industrial objects.

Now the equipment continues working in Russia, Kazakhstan, in winter and summer, as the module can be used for the production of high-octane gasoline from straight-run gasoline, but that's another story ...
manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel
module can be used for the production of high-octane gasoline from straight-run gasoline

Next we look

1. History of the creation modules TRGA (that you would understand how much time and effort we spent on experiments and optimization of design.

2. Technology for the removal of paraffins from diesel fuel (I continue to think that it is necessary to burn paraffin in the fuel and not disposed of, but sometimes there is no way out and that is technology)

3. Technology to remove sulfur from diesel fuel (98% sulfur removal, it is temporarily prohibited by developer until the industrial testing)

4. The film - the winter start of my personal car with diesel fuel that I made from summer diesel fuel on my micromodules TRGA ( 600 liters per hour, 15 kg, 220 volts, 330 watts.) using additives DEPROLUX.

Below - a report for the first commercial application modules TRGA, to reduce the limit temperature filtration winter diesel produced from summer diesel in 2011, after several months of commercial operation.

A short translation : " Our company has received the following effects high degree of homogeneity of the fuel, increasing the cetane number by 2-3 units, increase production efficiency has increased our sales by 13%, an additional effect - no stratification during long storage "

manufacture winter diesel fuel summer diesel fuel without heating limit temperature filtration of diesel fuel reduction pour point fuel

All photos were taken at our objects.
The authors of the photos and results: Andrei Serov (Moscow, DEPROLUX), Andrei Ruban, Daniel Fadeev, Konstantin Animitsa

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