homogenizer TRGA and chemical additives

- saving fuel (fuel oil, boiler, furnace, shipboard fuel)

- improving the burning viscous, low-quality, watered, non-standard fuel oil, coke fuel oil, slurry and improve the efficiency boilers and furnaces

- reduction of carbon deposits on the surfaces of heat exchangers, reducing clogging atomizer and burning intensification.

fuel additive additive which increase fuel, modify quality solutions, suspensions, emulsions, fuel mixtures.

Certain processes dispergation, homogenizing the creation of stable emulsions and suspensions, the , separation flooded fuel, improving burning characteristics or improving characteristics of fuel mixtures, sulfur separation, dehydration, and so on can be significantly intensified by using additives.

This is extremely speculative topic. There are hundreds of additives which manufacturers tout fuel savings of up to 30% (only in the minds of sellers) the so-called ANAMEGATORs or " nano additives " are recommended to add 2-3 liters for 20-40 tons of fuel oil (totally incomprehensible mechanism for dissemination of these additives in the thickness fuel), and so forth.
Crooks and swindlers are hundreds but that does not mean that all additives are useless.

It is important to have proof of that are clear obvious and repeatable. It is also important when the mechanism use of additives has industrial realization, not only demonstrated on a laboratory table.

Such additives will be considered here. We are not a chemical company, for each additive or process with the use of this additive has the author to be listed.

TRGA homogenizer used exclusively as a tool for introducing additive, although the input modes also have value and can be the property of the author of technology.

Two options - the use of additives or additive manufacturing.

intensification of chemical processes blender homogenizer mixer
Effective technology for intensification of chemical processes.

Module - homogenizer for mixing the various additives in the fuel for intensification of chemical processes.

Author of design Konstantin Animitsa Yekaterinburg

technology for removing paraffin from the diesel fuel
Effective technology for removing paraffin from the diesel fuel.

Feature of the technology - the minimum loss of diesel fuel. A simple way to remove the wax. The absence of expensive equipment.

Author of technology Andrei Serov Moscow

technology for reducing the temperature limit of filterability and pour point diesel fuel
Effective technology for reducing the temperature limit of filterability and pour point diesel fuel.
Feature of technology - possibility to produce winter diesel fuel from summer diesel fuel, in the flow, without preheating of diesel fuel or additive. Operating temperature up to "-9" degrees Celsius. Industrial implementation.

Authors of technology Andrei Serov, Moscow, Andrei Ruban, Ukraine.
Effective technology for manufacture high-octane gasoline from low-octane straight-run and some waste
Effective technology for manufacture high-octane gasoline from low-octane straight-run and some waste. 

Feature of technology - possibility to produce fuel in the flow. Industrial implementation. Information on request only.

Author of technology Andrei Serov Moscow  
Crushing solid additives in oil to create the composite mixtures and finely suspensions
Crushing solid additives in oil to create the composite mixtures or finely suspensions.

Homogenizer TRGA can milled in oil or water solid particles to create a homogeneous composition and suspensions. Dispersion of solid particles is smaller than when using other homogenizers 0.5-5 mkm. Can be used to create a composite lubricant or cosmetic creams, where it is important that all products from destruction solids remained in the final product ( essential oils for example ).

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