devices and technologies

- economy of liquid boiler fuel (fuel oil, boiler fuel, heating oil, coke fuel coal tar fuel ) in industrial boilers and furnaces.

- for full combustion of heavy, watered black oil, highly viscous of black oil mazout , slurry and boiler fuel, and increase efficiency of boilers and furnaces

- for reduce the carbon deposits on the surfaces of heat exchangers, reducing clogging in atomizers and fuel burning intensification.

TRGA - devices that have proven their reliability, durability, efficiency on different types of fuels and in long-term real industrial operation at more than 95 objects.

Activator of black oil burning TRGA - best energy saving technology and equipment.

From 2007 to Feb 2020 we installed 167 devices TRGA which successfully work within 2-6 years.

Countries - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Croatia, Serbia, Belgium, Guinea, Syria, Jamaica, Malaysia. TRGA homogenizers working with boilers and furnaces, which were produced in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, USA, Italy.

Оbvious effects - cleaning of heat exchange surfaces slowing the build-up of soot deposits on the heat exchangers.

The range of fuel economy - from 2.47% up to 4.1%

Activator of black oil burning TRGA best energy saving technology and equipment
economy liquid boiler fuel fuel oil boiler fuel heating oil coke fuel coal tar fuel in industrial boilers and furnaces
economy liquid boiler fuel fuel oil boiler fuel heating oil coke fuel coal tar fuel in industrial boilers and furnaces

change in the amount of carbon on the heat exchangers for 2 months of work

without using
TRGA activator of burning and with installed activator TRGA

cleaning of heat exchange surfaces slowing the build-up of soot deposits on the heat exchangers
4% economy boiler fuel savings, reduced carbon deposits on the heat exchangers increase efficiency boiler, reducing the specific fuel consumption

All pictures taken on objects are installed activators of fuel series TRGA-3G.
Authors of photos. Sergei Shlyaga. Andrey Ruban.
other photos

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