fuel economy saving oil coke coal tar pitch furnace fuel economy improvement combustion burning improve fuel oil combustion burning flooded fuel dispersion homogenization homogenizer dispersing emulsification emulsifier activation activator energy efficiency energy efficiency energy saving technology equipment

burning of black oil mazout
burning water-oil emulsion

fuel economy saving oil coke coal tar pitch furnace fuel economy improvement combustion burning improve fuel oil combustion burning flooded fuel dispersion homogenization homogenizer dispersing emulsification emulsifier activation activator energy efficiency energy efficiency energy saving technology equipment

devices and technologies

- economy of liquid boiler fuel (fuel oil, boiler fuel, heating oil, coke fuel coal tar fuel ) in industrial boilers and furnaces.

- for full combustion of heavy, watered black oil, highly viscous of black oil mazout , slurry and boiler fuel, and increase efficiency of boilers and furnaces

- for reduce the carbon deposits on the surfaces of heat exchangers, reducing clogging in atomizers and fuel burning intensification.

TRGA - devices that have proven their reliability, durability, efficiency on different types of fuels and in long-term real industrial operation at more than 95 objects.

Activator of black oil burning TRGA - best energy saving technology and equipment.

Some examples of installing activator boiler fuel TRGA in industrial boilers and furnaces

it is - only a small part of photos and documents that are available to us. it is only part of the installed equipment, which owners have sent us photos, reports, reviews and test results

Kondopoga, Russia, 2016, installation for improving the properties of boiler fuel
successful burning watered mazout mixed with port bilge water without failure of the flame. HFO economy, reduced speed clogging nozzles.
successful burning poor quality and old watered mazout. HFO economy, reduced speed clogging nozzles & heat exchangers
homogenizer, a blender for manufacturing ship fuel
Vladivostok, Russia, 2015. Fuel type - watered mazout

Summary results - successful burning watered mazout mixed with port bilge water without failure of the flame. HFO economy, reduced speed clogging nozzles.

Irkutsk, Russia, 2015. Fuel type - watered mazout

Summary results - successful burning poor quality and old watered mazout. HFO economy, reduced speed clogging nozzles & heat exchangers.

Krasnodar, Russia, 2015, installation for manufacturing ship fuel, with partial use of waste oil.
Romania, 2016, recycling of its own waste oil and sludge in the oil terminal. The second device, after the first few years of operation.
reduced speed clogging nozzles, stabile burning HFO, increasing the capacity of the boiler, the possibility of long-term boiler operation without smoke at full load
Reduced speed clogging nozzles & heat exchangers, increasing boiler capacity, termination of boiler corrosion, disposal of own & port and oil sludge, increase interval between boiler cleaning, possibility burning of fuel flooded up to 25%
Decrease specific consumption of diesel fuel on diesel industrial generators.
Jamaica, 2013-2014.

Results Summary - reduced speed clogging nozzles, stabile burning HFO, increasing boiler capacity possibility of long-term boiler operation without smoke at full load.

in 2014 was installed 2 more devices

Odessa, Ukraine, 2013.

Reduced speed clogging nozzles & heat exchangers, stabile burning HFO, increasing boiler capacity, termination of boiler corrosion, increase the interval between boiler cleaning, possibility burning of fuel flooded up to 8%

Odessa, Ukraine, 2013.

Reduced speed clogging nozzles & heat exchangers, increasing boiler capacity, termination of boiler corrosion, disposal of own & port and oil sludge, increase interval between boiler cleaning, possibility burning of fuel flooded up to 25%

Okhotsk, Russia, 2013-2014.

Decrease specific consumption of diesel fuel on diesel industrial generators.

in 2014 was installed 5 more devices

oil sludge production recycle oil burning watered oil sludge
fuel economy saving oil coke coal tar pitch furnace fuel economy improvement combustion
burning storage old black oils fuel economy
energy efficiency fuel economy energy efficiency energy saving technology equipment fuel
Russia, Plesetsk, 2013.

Treatment sludge from open storage. Changes in the quality of sludge after treatment homogenizer TRGA. Burning before and after, movies.

Russia, Khabarovsk, 2013, the stationary unit for the treatment of fuel prior to combustion in the supply tank. Burning watered mazout and utilization of sludge and bottom water.

Fuel type - watered mazout heavy fuel oil. Increase calorie of black oil after treatment by 4%.
Russia, Stary Oskol, 2013, the stationary unit for the treatment fuel before combustion in the storage tank. The possibility burning fuel oil after 10 years of storage.

Fuel type - watered mazout heavy fuel oil. Report.
Russia, Murmansk region, in 2013. Fuel type - watered mazout .

Summary results - successful burning watered mazout and 2.5% fuel savings.

successful burning heavy of black oil, black oil economy, perfectly clean heat exchangers
снижение скорости засорения форсунок экономия котельного топлива мазут коксохим улучшение сгорания сжигание мазут с водой
reduced speed clogging nozzles, stable burning coke chemical fuel, no gravitational segregation of fuel in supply tank, utilization waste sludge and bottom water
burning watered mazout mixed with port bilge water without failure of the flame. Recycling oiled water.
Syria, Aleppo, 2012. Fuel type - watered mazout with a high content of asphaltenes.

Summary results - successful burning heavy of black oil, black oil economy, perfectly clean heat exchangers, fuel savings.

Ukraine, 2009. Ukrainian military base Makarov-1. Works to this day. Fuel type - watered mazout fuel oil. A great difference in the work "with" and "without" activator boiler fuel TRGA. Fuel savings.

Summary results - successful burning watered mazout, reduction of atomizers clogging. Increase stress and decrease the freezing point in winter. Report.

Ukraine, Vinnytsia region, 2011. Fuel Type - coke chemical oil.

Results Summary - reduced speed clogging nozzles, stabile burning coke chemical fuel, no gravitational segregation of fuel in supply tank, utilization waste sludge and bottom water.

On May 2013 working 2
TRGA activators boiler fuel.

Russia, Vladivostok, 2011. workink on May 2013 Fuel type - watered mazout and oiled water.

Summary results - successful burning watered mazout mixed with port bilge water without failure of the flame. Dispose oiled water.

successful burning watered mazout without failure of the flame
reduced speed clogging nozzles, stable burning coke chemical fuel, no gravitational segregation of fuel in supply tank, utilization waste sludge and bottom water complete removal of smoke from the boiler tube
устройство для экономии котельного топлива
сжигание каменоугольной смолы казахстан экономия топлива каменоугольная смола снижение засорения форсунок, снижение температуры подогрева топлива, полное устранение дыма из трубы
Russia, Uglegorsk, 2011. workink on May 2013. Fuel type - heavy watered mazout.

Summary results - successful burning watered mazout without failure of the flame, fuel savings.
Ukraine, Cherkassy plant of building materials, 2011. Modernization. Fuel type - old watered coke fuel

Summary results - reduced speed clogging atomizers, stable burning coke chemical fuel, no gravitational segregation of fuel in supply tank, utilization waste sludge and bottom water, complete removal of smoke.
Russia, Volzhsky, 2011. workink on May 2013. Fuel type - watered mazout .

Summary results - successful burning watered mazout, fuel economy.

Kazakhstan, 2011. Type of fuel - coal tar fuel, high viscosity, ash and tar. 12 months of exploitation.

Summary results - good fuel economy, reduced deposits on heat exchangers, reduction of clogging of atomizers, lower temperature heating fuel, the complete elimination of smoke from the chimney.
good fuel economy, reduced deposits on heat exchangers, reducing clogging of nozzles, lower temperature heating fuel, the complete elimination of smoke from the chimney
heavy fuel oil slurry 3% fuel savings, reduced carbon deposits on the heat exchangers
каменоугольная смола сжигание экономия топлива
sustained combustion of fuel, reducing carbon deposits on the heat exchangers
Kazakhstan, 2011. Type of fuel - coal tar pitch density of 1.07, hight viscosity, ash and tar. 12 months of operation.

Summary results - good fuel economy, reduced deposits on heat exchangers, reduction of debris on atomizers, lower temperature heating fuel, the complete elimination of smoke from the chimney. Report.
Guinea Alumina Refinery, testing, running from September 2010. Fuel type - heavy fuel oil slurry. 24 months of operation.

Results Summary - 3% fuel savings, reduction of carbon deposits on the heat exchangers. Tests. Report.

Kazakhstan, 2010. Type of fuel - coal tar density of 1.07 hight viscosity, ash and tar. 24 months of working.

Results Summary - steady burning fuel, reducing carbon deposits on the heat exchangers reduction of debris on atomizers fuel economy. Report.
Ukraine, Cherkasy region, 2010. " Kosarsky Alcohol Plant ", the trademark "Cold Yar". Fuel - watered fuel oil with a high content of solids and the carbon particles - coke fuel, 12 months of use.

Results Summary - sustained combustion of boiler fuel, reducing carbon deposits on the heat exchangers.

4% fuel savings, reduced carbon deposits on the heat exchangers increase efficiency boiler, reducing the specific fuel consumption
no photo
reduced viscosity, reduced ash content, lower pour points, reducing the size dispersion of solid
saving fuel oil boiler houses
Guinea Alumina Refinery, 2 months of tests, running from September 2010. Fuel - Heavy fuel oil M100, then the slurry fuel.

Results Summary - 4% boiler fuel savings, reduced carbon deposits on the heat exchangers increase efficiency boiler, reducing the specific fuel consumption. Test. Report.
Ukraine, Cherkasy region, 2010. The object of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Smela. Fuel type - watered fuel oil.

No data available.
Ukraine, Chernigov region, in 2010. The object of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine "Friendship", fuel - oil watered.

No data available.
Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, 2010. JSC "Zaporozhye iron ore plant." Works to this day. The results - the successful burning of high-viscosity oil. Increase stress and decrease fuel freezing point in winter, reduction of atomizers clogging.

Fuel type - watered black oil M 100. Report.
complete combustion of the black oil economy of incineration fuel oil watered black oil
uccessful combustion recycle watered fuel mixture with a water content of 20%. Watered oil sludge in the port. Bilge water
no photo
fuel saving device technology improving fuel burning heavy fuel oil watered shipboard  fuel
Ukraine, Kiev, 2009. The object of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Makarov-1. Working. (May 2015). Results - Successful watered fuel oil incineration. Increase flow, reduction of atomizers clogging. Fuel does not freeze in winter. Economy fuel. Report. In 2011 tested - boiler (30 years of operation) works almost like new.

Fuel type - watered heavy fuel oil and fuel oil mixture, multi-blended fuels.
Ukraine, Mariupol, 2009. Mariupol trading port. Works till today, report. Results - successful combustion recycle watered fuel mixture with a water content of 20%. Watered oil sludge in the port. Bilge water.

Fuel Type - a mixture of fuel oil and bilge water - fire incineration recycling. Paper presented at the international conference.
Ukraine, Bakhchisaray, 2009. Company " Bakhchisaray plant of building materials ". Removed after a year in connection with the start using the natural gas fuel - fuel coke fuel average quality.

Results Summary - Successful black oil coke fuel burning, the temperature rise in the kiln.

Russia, Belogorsk, the Amur region. 2009. Working to this day, photo received after one and a half years after the exploitation in the boiler house and visiting delegation of Arcelor Mittal. Fuel type - watered mazut M100.

Summary results - successful watered mazout burning.

coal tar pitch successful burning of coal tar. viscosity reduction and reduced fuel freezing
no photo
coke and fuel economy improvement watered Coke fuel burning Combustion best
burning watered mazout mixed with port bilge water without failure of the flame. Recycling
Kazakhstan, 2009. Mining. Type of fuel - coal tar pitch as a substitute for black oil M-100.

Summary results - the successful burning of coal tar. viscosity reduction and reduced fuel freezing in the winter. Exploited 2 years.

Russia, 2009. Kamchatka municipal boiler.
Fuel type - watered mazut M-100. No photos. No data available.
Ukraine, Cherkassy plant of building materials, 2009. Works to this day. The result - the successful burning coke fuel increase steam output of the boiler, reducing drying time of bricks by 40%. Film-1. Film-2.

Type of fuel - fuel coke with water.
Ukraine, Thorivsky Alcohol Plant 2009. Worked for 2 months and was removed for not paying. Fuel type - low quality watered coke oil.

Summary results - the successful burning of coke fuel fuel increase steam production of boiler.
coke and fuel economy improvement watered Coke fuel burning Combustion best
burning black oil watered mazout burning
Activator of black oil burning TRGA
saving boiler fuel tests result report
Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, OAO "Dneproshina," 2009, set 2 activators and 1 homogenizer TRGA for preparation of fuel, the report is received after 6 work months. Exploitation of 24 months. The result - the successful burning coke fuel.

Type of fuel - fuel coke. Report
Belarus, Brest, in 2009, the municipal enterprise "Brest boiler" , the successful burning 750 tons old black oil with water content of 54%. Report. Working 2 year. The result - a successful burning watered mazout.

Fuel type - watered mazout. Report.
Serbia, Sremska Mitrovica, 2008, the municipal enterprise "Pannonian power chains," 12 months of exploitation, 2 industrial tests them. Nikola Tesla's laboratary report. 6 months of operation. Results Summary - 2.6% fuel savings, reduced NOx, SO2, CO. 

Fuel type - Heavy black oil mazout M-100. Report fuel economy. Report ecology .
Croatia, Rijeka, 2008, the municipal enterprise "Energy", 11 months of exploitation, 2 months of tests. Results Summary - 3.7% fuel savings, reduced CO - 40%. Test. Tests conducted Polytechnic Institute Rijeka, Croatia.

Fuel Type - stove fuel. Light mazout. Report.

clear results

снижение удельного расхода топлива на котлах и печах

change in the amount of carbon on the heat exchangers for 2 months of work

without the use of an activator burning TRGA and with installed activator TRGA

Results Summary - 4% boiler fuel savings, reduced carbon deposits on the heat exchangers increase efficiency boiler, reducing the specific fuel consumptio

All pictures taken on objects are installed activators of fuel series TRGA-3G.
Authors of photos. Sergei Shlyaga. Andrey Ruban.
other photos

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www.afuelsystems.com - Технологии и оборудование для обработки и экономии топлива (бензин, дизельное топливо, мазут, коксохим ). Кавитация, диспергация, эмульгирование, топливные и другие эмульсии. Экология
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