Production homogenizers and spells about fantastic fuel economy
- a fashionable topic. You will talk about "experience since
1970," about a professor - the founder and his brilliant ideas
.... You will be talking about the board of directors in which the
doctor of sciences, marketing geniuses and show shine polished metal
... You will talk about mixing motor fuel with water and new brands
... You will talk about the nano fuel on "manage, control cavitation"
But all this is secondary.
I'm starting to mark systematic visits to this website from different
regions of the world in which allegedly produced homogenizers, 10,20,
30 years old ... it is India, the U.S. and Germany.
So I looked a lot of sites - and wonder, I have never found at least
10 photos of his installed equipment. I have never found 5 reviews
with detailed specifications and equipment results ... I have not
seen any industrial or laboratory tests ... But I can see via IP,
wherefrom they come to this website designers of these homogenizers
... Probably on the board of directors they talk about new ideas
that emerged after studying this site and of course it is their
genius head.
But back to these sites - declaration without of results, fantastic
results without without evidence, photos, reviews, reference about
installation, last update thos site is 3-7 years ago and in the
best case, mention about 1-2 units sold ...
I saw more - old designs that were forgotten in Russia 13-20 years
ago, that no one produces, but which proudly adorn on the pages
of " professors - producers since 1970" ... This is ridiculous.
This is sad. |
I can show you 10s of sites from the United States, India,
Germany - where the advertised the newest homogenizers,
without any analysis, reviews, recommendation and photos
from industrial platforms ...
I could cite patent descriptions and analysis of this
technique, but why?
Left - " inline homogeniser "
from India, the same one that produced on the basis of
"experience since 1970 ..." - Rotary homogeniser
- monster with huge power consumption, enormous weight,
minimum productivity and questionable quality of processing. |
- for a collection - homogeniser from Germany. Popular
design, which was made in Russia 15 years ago, which has
been forgotten because of low productivity and low operational
reliability ... Left - 4 minutes to process
of 10 liters emulsion (industrial !
model for clients).
And below - my personal desktop homogeniser
for produce winter fuel - it makes canister (20 liters)
per minute (1200 liters per hour) and
has a weight of 10 kilograms and power 600 watts.
- Photo below left.
And the smallest industrial homogeniser
for production of winter fuel - makes 15,000 liters
per hour, it demands 7.5 kW - below right.
of course, much easier to say " we are from Germany
" or write " we have experience since 1970 "
or blatantly lie in the eye and talk about fuel savings
10-20-30% - than spending time and money - for industrial
testing, analysis and certification of results, efficiency
and reliability. ( my Article
- Saving
20% of fuel or tax on stupidity.)
Photo below - part of our work, it is only 20% ...
Photo is even lower - our site as a guide and source of
ideas for " professors and brilliant designers "
all over the world ..
do not regret that they learns, I'm sorry that they are
deceiving you ... |
1. Website statistics
- India, India ...
2. Website statistics - India, Mumbai, Kumar, Mumbai ...
3. production homogenizers India India, Mumbai - " experience since
1970 "
4. Other homogenizers production of India - this design 10s years old
These devices
do not save. These devices consume your money,
help sell pumps and motors and make you spend money on repairs ...
Andrew Ruban 08.01.2014
2. Unexpected continuation
... Some
funny people from Syria are trying to sell people this
terrible piece of scrap metal and these people call it a fuel
homogenizer (1) and then these people call it a TRGA homogenizer
(2). " Syrian version of the
TRGA homogenizer "
All TRGA homogenizers that are supplied, sold
and installed in Syria have a
unique number. You can write to us and
ask the origin of your product. I recommend do this before buying
a homogenizer. After that, no complaints are accepted.
What is very important? I'm not trying to scare
you, I'm not trying to tell you that this is a bad copy of the
TRGA homogenizer. I'm telling you that this design is
fundamentally different than the design of our TRGA homogenizer.
What our homogenizer does for 1 passage of fuel, this device
will do after 6-8 passes of fuel... if the manufacturers have
copied everything correctly. But as I see by the quality some
parts - this is not so. It is
just a piece of iron that does not cost anything.
Andrew Ruban 03.11.2017